How we work

Location selection

We take great care to select the right site for our renewable energy developments. The installation must achieve an appropriate balance between commercial factors (construction costs, productivity, and cost of energy) and environmental impacts. Using our GIS, we search for projects of specific scale (installed capacity) or location (e.g., within a certain distance of a particular feature). We also welcome approaches directly from landowners, agents and advisors who may be interested in pursuing a scheme with us.


Peel Cubico has direct experience of pursuing projects across all the planning systems operating within the UK and the Isle of Man. By promoting and delivering large-scale projects like The Frodsham Wind Farm, Trafford Centre, MediaCityUK and Liverpool Waters, we have developed a substantial body of knowledge concerning legal and property related constraints that we bring to bear on renewable energy projects to ensure their deliverability.


Our in-depth experience of permitting ensures early acceptance of our schemes by the consenting authority and reduces requirements for subsequent submission of extra information. We get things right from the outset, so that we can move through the process quickly.

Ongoing commitment

Our commitment to excellence does not end with approval of our project. We strive to continually optimise the performance of the asset in ways that secure environmental enhancements that will outlast the asset itself.

We aim to build long-term relationships with our stakeholders and communities that host our schemes